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Hello, I'm Gill


I coach leaders, and aspiring leaders, working in Comms & PR.

You know you want to change things.

That where you are today isn't where you want to end up.

Coaching is a highly efficient and effective way to empower yourself and achieve what you want.

Together we use the power of coaching to step back, review, accept or rewrite your story.

How deeply have you thought about what you want to happen next in your life?

You know it's possible to figure it all out, but you want to get there faster.

How I Help You


Tackle your work-related fear and anxiety -  Overcome Perfectionism - Understand and manage procrastination - Understand and manage Imposter Syndrome and confidence issues - Prevent and recover from overwhelm and burnout issues - Identify limiting beliefs or limiting thought patterns


How I Help Your Career


Restore your confidence and resilience - Identify and plan future career desires and goals - Empower you to speak-up and build a stronger network of professional connections - Create clarity about what you really want to do - Stop unhelpful repeating patterns that damage your career growth.


How I Help Employers

Provide a confidential space for employees to talk openly - Rebuild workplace confidence - Encourage a positive, growth mindset - Help employees redraw appropriate boundaries with work - Tackle and prevent burnout - Avoid unnecessary loss of valued team members - Empower staff so less hand-holding is needed - Team workshops on mindset

Ways to Work With Me

Do you recognise these?


🚩 Finding it difficult to switch off from work

🚩 Knowingly overserving the job, but finding it hard to stop

🚩 Feeling like the grass is greener, maybe if you just change job or career things *might* be better

🚩 Finding it hard to make decisions about your next career steps 

🚩 Overwhelm is getting to you and you know you're not performing like you used to 

🚩 You know deep down that you want things to change.


I can help you navigate all of these things and create a clear plan of action, support you as you implement it and hold you accountable.

I've been where you are with the plate-spinning, the priority-juggling, the fire-fighting and the crisis handling.

It's not all bad! You've got a great reputation for rising to the challenge, being a "safe pair of hands" and you love a bit of adrenalin when you're really up against it.

But I invite you to pause for a moment and ask yourself about what brought you here.

Do you want to learn how your ambition can sit alongside a greater sense of authority, and calm control? 

If the answer is yes then my coaching can help you.

Book A Call to Explore Coaching