Welcome to your VIP Coaching Day.

A one day intensive programme for fast, actionable results.

Are you ready for this?

Each and every VIP Coaching Day is focused on a single individual. You.

Every one is individually tailored with my tried and tested frameworks to produce a VIP coaching experience that is exactly right for you.

You choose the destination, and together we create a pathway to get you there in the shortest possible time.

You can focus on your work, your life, or a combination of both, so that you can get a bird's eye view of what's really going on.

How would it feel to give yourself the time to step out of the day-to-day so you can reassess and re-evaluate things?


"It absolutely surpassed expectations - very focused and concrete and we actually got through the whole list of areas I had listed as needing help with."

VIP Day Client

How would it feel to:
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the behaviours that drive you.
  • Strengthen your confidence and authority
  • Gain clarity on how you can progress your career and leave career plateaux and doubts behind you
  • Create powerful boundaries that preserve your energy and allow you to live your life on your terms

"The coaching VIP Day really lived up to its name - it was intense and very focused, but also enjoyable! What a luxury to be able to take a whole day to reflect on areas that I have felt stuck on for so long. It was great to talk and get some things off my chest, but also to have some concrete exercises and very practical suggestions for next steps. Proposed approaches never felt performative or contrived, but were developed in a collaborative way to be realistic and feasible. Would definitely recommend! :-)"

VIP Day Client

Fast  Personal  Actionable 

VIP Coaching Days bring together the tools and techniques from my coaching practice and is rooted in my 20 plus years experience working in communications.

I am accredited as a  coach via the Aligned Coaching Academy and the Institute of Leadership & Management.

I have created an accelerated coaching program that delivers actionable results in a single day.

Results that are considered, measured, sensible, but above all personal to you. And you can start to act on them immediately!

Book A Call To Discuss Your VIP Day

"Reframing some of the ways I've been thinking about areas where I feel stuck, such as focusing on "integrity" rather than "professionalism", sidestepping a binary "win-lose" approach by thinking about progress and celebrating successes, setting reminders to myself to slow down (and not react so quickly), and addressing the drama triangle - just to name a few! An absolute eye-opener was the suggestion for tackling difficult or uncomfortable conversations by addressing them head on and acknowledging the awkwardness of the conversation up front."

VIP Day Client: Head of Public Affairs at Global Organisation.


During your VIP Coaching Day we will
  • Prioritise the space you need to help you get a fresh perspective on where you are, and how you got there, so that you can identify a clear progression forward and understand the steps you need to take

  • Identify new habits and practices that will enable you to take control of your own time, and feelings so that you aren't permanently on a rollercoaster someone else is driving

  • Empower you with tools and the self-knowledge to use them on repeat so you can create new habits with ease and cultivate a more comfortable emotional state for yourself.

  • Create a roadmap for you so that you leave the session knowing exactly what your next steps are.


What's included

Bespoke 1:1 support

Lifting you out of the day to day pace, I use my proven format to ensure you get the maximum impact from the day.

You will leave with a clear plan of exactly what you need to do so that you can move forward and fulfil your potential.

Easy to Access Aftercare

All sessions include one month of Voxxer support following your session.

This is like having me on speed dial in your back pocket. It's a walkie talkie app and you can leave your thoughts and questions for my feedback .

Full access to my coaching library

You can tap into my suite of assets and trainings whenever you like.

It's all there for you and there are sessions on everything from perfectionism to imposter syndrome and more.


Your Questions Answered

How is a VIP Day structured?

Typically, it involves goal-setting, deep-dive discussions, action planning, and sometimes hands-on activities.

Breaks are integrated to ensure focus and energy levels are maintained.

Your day usually runs from 10am-4pm. It can also be tweaked to fit your schedule, or you can split it into two half-days.

Can a VIP Day be conducted virtually or in-person?

Online: Convenient, time-efficient and in the location that's comfortable for you! Don't worry, you won't get zoom fatigue. I’m an experienced host of many webinars, online sessions for coaching and workshops. I know how to keep the energy flowing with appropriate off-camera time and leaning in to the momentum of our conversation.

In-person: Days are available for booking in London. (Email me directly to arrange, additional costs apply: [email protected]).

How do I prepare for a VIP Day?

You will have a pre-questionnaire to fill in. This will help you focus on the issues you want us to cover and allow me to prepare.

Other than that, show up with a notebook and pen, and a spirit of curiousity.

What is the Investment?

A VIP Coaching Day is  £1800.

How Do I Book?

Use the button below. Once you have paid and secured your place I'll be in touch within one working day to confirm a date that works for you.

Book a VIP Coaching Day Here
Do You Want to Be The Person Saying...

"An absolute eye-opener"

"It absolutely surpassed expectations"

"The Coaching VIP Day really lived up to its name"

"What a luxury to be able to take a whole day to reflect on areas that I have felt stuck on for so long"

And when asked about what it was like to be coached by me a VIP client said:

"It was absolutely lovely - at times it felt like chatting to a friend, or a therapist, and at the same time it was very focused and concrete."

Book a VIP Coaching Day Here